Introduction to Scientific Research Methodology
Κωδικός Μαθήματος
Τύπος - Εξάμηνο/α
Προπτυχιακό - Εαρινό
Stamou Lelouda
Λέξεις - Κλειδιά
research, methodology, qualitative, quantitative, analysis, validity, reliability
Περιγραφή Μαθήματος
The course is about introducing students into basic concepts in scientific research and into developing critical thinking and research attitude in their everyday life as well as in the scientific field of their interest. The course attempts to address both theoretical and practical issues in scientific research. As far as theoretical issues are concerned, students get to know the basic principles, concepts, types and stages of scientific research. As far as practical aspects of research are concerned, this knowledge is applied and addressed in the context of small personal projects and presentations.